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Migrationsberatung für erwachsene Zugewanderte (MBE) (englisch)

Bild Einwanderung

Migration counseling (MBE) provides support on many topics, including


  • Applications to authorities

  • Language acquisition

  • Right of residence

  • Work and education

  • Kindergarten and school

  • Health

  • Family

  • Housing

  • Inclusion in civil society


In different life situations we guide you need-oriented and individually.

The counseling is confidential and free of charge.

We support independent action and promote the integration process.

How to reach us:

Grüner Weg 8, 61169 Friedberg
(The entrance is at the back of the building on the 2. floor)

Phone: 06031 68433-18

Mobile: 0163 6234412


Bus: FB 30 or 31, Bus stop: Grüner Weg


Please make an appointment so we can advise you.

Point of contact: Sabine Dyer, Petra Elsenheimer


Flyer MBE

Paritätisches MBE Logo_2024_180


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